Country: United Kingdom

Deadline: 28/10/2024

Study Level: Postdoctoral Researcher

Salary: 37k to 46k pound per year.


University Website:

Application Link:

1 Postdoctoral position UK

University of oxford is seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in AI for Healthcare to join the CHI lab at the Department of Engineering Science (Headington Oxford).  The post is funded by CRUK and RAEng and is fixed term for 12 months or up to 15 October 2025.

You should possess a relevant PhD (or near completion*) in Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science or conjugate subject and have a strong record of publication in the relevant literature.  Good knowledge of machine learning algorithms and/or statistical methods is essential, as well as proven competence in programming methods and evidence of working well as part of a multidisciplinary research team.

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